I hope that many people reading this have spent some time to check out some of the Harry Potter series. Everyone who writes, including myself, desires to be only half as good as J.K. Rowling. Her characters are complex, believable, and all have their own struggles. Furthermore, much of the characters, like Dumbledore, have a set of worths and viewpoint that guides them. Some like Harry are students and seekers of what it indicates to be great or evil. Others, like Snape, have a set of worths rather opposed to those of house Gryffindor.

Pythagoras and Heraclitus (500 BC Greece), Lao -Tse and Confusions (640 BC China), Gautama Buddha and Patanjali (500 BC India.) Hermes Trismigistus (450 BC Egypt), Zarthusra (600 BC Ancient Persia).
The ant philosophy allow them to flourish in the majority of communities, and might form 15-25% of the terrestrial animal biomass!! Their success in so lots of environments is due to their small business philosophy social organisation and their capability to alter habitats, tap resources, and defend themselves.
In the final analysis it is not what takes place that identifies the quality of our lives. It is what we pick to do when we have actually set the sail and after that find, after all our efforts, that the wind has altered instructions.
A bit like Yin and Yang, Karma represents 2 equal sides of an equation being both good and bad! Generally what walks around happens, commit a great deed and you'll be rewarded with an equal great deed. Devote a bad deed and you'll be met an equal bad deed.
Knowledge. In my opinion, our coaching approach is a map that takes us where we 'd like to go. I believe that if we utilize it in recruiting, coaching, and general interactions with folks.those types of individuals will want to bet us. For instance, a coach with a philosophy of "win at all costs" will draw in a different type of professional athlete than a coach who says "success with honor". Not an even worse professional athlete, not a less ethical athlete.just a various athlete. So as you come up with your coaching viewpoint, consider the type of professional athlete you want to draw into your program.